Posted by: kurtsh | April 15, 2024

WEBINAR: “Entering the era of reliable quantum computing” – Online – April 30, 2024

A hybrid supercomputer that combines both classical and quantum capabilities has the potential to solve classically intractable problems and help address the most pressing global issues. These hybrid supercomputers will run computations on highly reliable logical qubits. Scientifically valuable problems will start to be solved with around 100 reliable logical qubits while commercial-scale solutions will require upwards of 1000 reliable logical qubits. To make this potential a reality, scientific and engineering breakthroughs are required.

Recently, Microsoft and Quantinuum announced a key breakthrough that launches the field into reliable quantum computing by creating the most reliable logical qubits on record, with logical error rate 800 times better than the error rate of the physical qubits. This marks a crucial milestone on the path to a hybrid classical-quantum supercomputer capable of transforming research and innovation across many industries.

Join us to learn more about the results of this collaboration and how the collective advancement of quantum hardware, error diagnostics and correction, and reliable quantum computing will accelerate science through hybrid applications.
