Posted by: kurtsh | November 7, 2023

HOWTO: Provide feedback for Microsoft products

imageProviding feedback, suggestions or requests around Microsoft products & services is relatively simple. 

Simply go to the “Ideas community” (aka the “Feedback Portal”) at and you’ll see hundreds of communities – one for each product or service – where you can:

  1. Search for other people’s submissions for your request
  2. Vote up or Amplify a request submission to give it more attention
  3. Submit your own feedback or suggestion
  4. Review the status of a highly requested or in-demand suggestion

Our product groups use this forum for giving people updates on when a suggestion or request has been moved into the product roadmap & what it’s general status is  Fun fact: There’s even a feedback community for the actual “Feedback Portal” itself.  How meta. Smile

The exception to the rule is that feedback around Windows OS itself, is submitted through the “Feedback Hub”, a built-in application within Windows 10 & 11 which enables easy submission of Windows-based feedback including screenshots.


  1. […] HOWTO: Provide feedback for Microsoft products (Kurt Shintaku) […]
