Posted by: kurtsh | April 8, 2009

RELEASE: FTP Server 7.5 for Windows Server 2008 IIS 7.0

image Hmm.  Missed this one.

In case it hasn’t been apparent, in the same way that Windows Server is Microsoft’s operating system platform to applications that need basic platform services such as file I/O, network services, performance throttling, event logging, remote management, scriptability, security principles, etc…

Internet Information Server 7.0 (an installable service for Windows Server 2008) is Microsoft’s Internet services platform for web-based applications that need basic web services such as FTP, Media streaming, Application isolation, HTTP-based application communication, resource management, etc.

FTP Services 7.5, unlike past versions of FTP in Windows Server 2003 and previous revisions is an optional plug-in service that leverages the IIS 7.0 web platform for managability, administration, configuration, security, etc.

Imagine if someone wrote an FTP services completely independently for security and performance, over a hardened web platform.  That appears to be what we did with the 7.5. 


  • XML CONFIG FILES – The biggest change is departure of the old IIS 6.0 configuration metabase database – replaced by an XML file-based system making configuration backup and management simpler and segregate-able.
  • FTP OVER SSL – FTP has historically always happened in the clear meaning data transferred was never encrypted.  Additionally, password transmission by default has been in the clear.  The introduction of FTP over SSL provide secure FTP transmission while taking advantage of the performance benefits of FTP over HTTP.
  • UTF8 & IPv6 SUPPORT – Although IPv6 has not taken off yet, FTP 7.5 is ready for it if and when your company adapts it for a larger address space.
  • ADAPTIVE BANDWIDTH – Bandwidth throttling on a dynamic or static basis is possible for the FTP service without impacting other web services.


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